Tuesday, October 20, 2009

weird things happy in October

So....last week I thought I would get all prepared with some draft posts so that I could just simply post them for you from day to day. Well.......they ARE posted -- they are just not posting in the place I want them.
Lesson learned? Don't be too prepared!!!!!
Scroll down alittle .......

............. to see all the details on the cards I created last week.
sorry, folks.
hope you find them.
later {from the farm},

1 comment:

  1. Those cards are absolutely fabtabulous (a cross between fabulous and fantastic) LOL. I'm looking forward to your tutorial. I'm off this weekend to a Fundraising Weekend Crop, yahoo!!! I'm going to absorb so much creativity and also get alot accomplished. High hopes :o) Have a great day.
